WHAT IS A BLACK HOLE? A black hole is a dead star which ad collapsed under its own mass. It have infinite density and very high gravitational pull. Its gravitational pull is so powerfull that even light can't escape from it. PARTS OF A BLACK HOLE- There are three main parts of a black hole- SINGULARITY OUTER EVENT HORIZON INNER EVENT HORIZON FORMATION OF A BLACK HOLE As we know black hole are dead stars.Lets know the history about it Stars are mainly made up of hydrogen and they burn it to produce helium by nuclear fission which takes place inside thier core.In this process they emit a lot of energy.THis fission push the star outwards and the gravity of the star push the star to the core which maintains the balance.Over period of time the star ran oout of fuel because it burned all of his hydrogen.and their is no fission to maintain the balance.within a second the star tcollapsed under it's own mass and there a new black of is f...